Brined Cheeses
Preface to Technical Series.Preface.
Chapter 1. Constituents and Properties of Milk from Different Species.
Dr Thom Huppertz, Dr Vivek K. Upadhyay and Dr A.L. Kelly, University College Cork, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Cork, Ireland; and.
Dr A.Y. Tamime, Dairy Science & Technology Consultant, Ayr, UK.
Chapter 2. Feta and Other Balkan Cheeses.
Professor E.M. Anifantakis and Dr Golfo Moatsou, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Food Science and Technology, Laboratory of Dairy Technology, Athens, Greece.
Chapter 3. Industrial Manufacture of Feta-Type Cheeses.
Dr A.Y. Tamime, Dairy Science & Technology Consultant, Ayr, UK;.
Dr R.K. Robinson, University of Reading, School of Biosciences, Reading, UK; and Mr G. Kiers, Tetra Pak Tebel B.V., Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
Chapter 4. Halloumi Cheese.
Dr P. Papademas, Kyklos Scientific Services Ltd., Nicosia, Cyprus.
Chapter 5. North African Brined Cheeses.
Professor M. Abd-El Salam, National Research Centre, Dairy Department, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt; and.
Professor N. Benkerroum, Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Department Sciences Alimentaires et Nutritionelles, Rabat, Morocco.
Chapter 6. Brined Cheeses from the Middle East and Turkey.
Dr Imad Toufeili, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon; and.
Dr B. Özer, Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Engineering, Sanliurfa, Turkey.
Chapter 7. Brined Cheeses and Analogues of Latin American Origin.
Professor M. Nogueira de Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Tecnologia Bioquimico-Farmacêutica, São Paulo, Brazil; and.
Professor C. Brito, Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Valdivia, Chile.
Chapter 8. Indigenous Brined Cheese of the Philippines.
Dr V.L. Barraquio, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College of Agriculture, Laguna, Philippines.
Chapter 9. Quality of the Brine.
Dr T. Bintsis, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chapter 10. Utilisation of Brined Cheeses in Other Food Preparations.
Dr A.Y. Tamime, Dairy Science & Technology Consultant, Ayr, UK; and.
Dr R.K. Robinson, University of Reading, School of Biosciences, Reading, UK.