Nordic Dairy Congress 2025

May 20, 2025, noon – May 22, 2025, midnight


In May 2025, the dairy industry will meet in magical Iceland to learn more about how innovation and sustainability go hand in hand in the sector, and how this has a positive impact on people and the planet. With the title ‘Unlock the POWER OF DAIRY for people and the planet’ the 46th  Nordic Dairy Congress offers three days of a highly relevant professional program and networking opportunities, spiced with the chance for socializing and visits to Iceland's skyr museum or waterfalls and geysers.

The Congress encompasses plenary sessions, panel debates and parallel sessions where the participants choose their preferred area of interest, thereby creating their own unique version of the Nordic Dairy Congress. 


Unlocking the POWER OF DAIRY for people and the planet

The Nordic Dairy Congress  2025 will now take place on 20-22nd May 2025 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Click the links below to find out more about this event and to book your place.





Early bird registration with reduced price: EUR 845 (1,047,8 incl. 24% Icelandic VAT)
(Deadline 20 February 2025)

Included in the conference fee

• Full participation in the conference, lunch and coffee on Wednesday and Thursday

• Afternoon programme Tuesday

• Dinner Wednesday


• Unofficial Golf tournament Tuesday* - price EUR 175

• Sightseeing - Golden Circle*- price EUR 100

• Dairy visit - MS Dairy Selfoss + Skyrland* - price EUR 65

• Trip to the volcano area and dinner Thursday*- price EUR 180

*Requires a minimum of participants and prices are incl. VAT.




The Congress will take place in Iceland. more information will follow closer to the event.


Membership catgories Price
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