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Short Essays and Reports

SDT Publications - a personal account
Andrew Wilbey
February 2025
Andrew Wilbey comments on the development of SDT publications through the years
Making more use of your Cryoscope
Dr Mike Lewis
October 2024
Mike's report examines and proposes alternative uses for a cryoscope
Our love affair with milk: consideration to our diet and the environment
Dr Mike Lewis
May 2024
Mike Lewis considers why milk is a valuable foodstuff in UK diets, examining processing, applications and the impact on the environment.
IFST 2023 Lecture
Nick Edwards
October 2023
The lecture held at One Birdcage Walk was entitled ‘Surviving in a Hostile World: The Need for Food Science’ . The speakers included Professor Jeremy Hill, MNZM, Professor of Sustainable Nutrition, Riddet Institute, Massey University and Chief Science & Technology Officer, Fonterra Co-operative Group and also Dr Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor, Food ...
Review of Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products
Dr Stephen Walker
August 2023
A review of the latest book in the SDT Technical Series, Sensory profiling of Dairy Products
SDT Oak Anniversary
Dr Liz Whitley
August 2023
In 2023 the SDT reached its 80th Anniversary (Oak). Liz Whitley has summarised the SDT developments in the past 20 years, following on from a publication written by Dr David Armstrong in 2003, which provided the history of the first 60 years of the Society with details of Presidents and ...
SDT Spring Conference 2023
Dr Michael Mullan
April 2023
Read an account of the SDT Spring Conference held in Penrith Cumbria on 29-30th March 2023 with a title of 'Heat Processing and Energy Efficiency in Dairy Product Manufacture'. The following appers were presented: Paper 1: Heat stability of milk-based products (Dr Mike Lewis, University of Reading) Paper 2: Standard ...
Energy prices, Milk prices and more
Mike Lewis
February 2023
Some food for thought on the problematic energy costs, current milk prices, the value of milk protein, and highlights some old but still very relevant dairy technology books.
1970 SDT Study Tour to the Netherlands
M Pusey
November 2022
A full report on the 1970 SDT Study Tour to The Netherlands, click HERE
Energy and Water Considerations
Dr Mike Lewis
July 2022
Conservation of water and energy are two very important environmental issues. Dairy processing operations are energy and water intensive, so it is important to minimise the amounts used. There are also big differences in amounts used by different factories, producing similar products, providing opportunities for some to make big improvements. ...
Nordic Dairy Congress, Malmo 2022
Dr Liz Whitley
May 2022
An article covering the 45th Nordic Dairy Congress, May 2022
Summary of 75:2
Andrew Wilbey
April 2022
A summary of the papers published in the International Journal of Dairy Technology 75:2
Where have all the Dairy Farmers gone?
John Sumner
July 2021
A very concerning article by John Sumner on how Dairy Farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit staff with some potentially being forced to quit.
Sale of Raw Milk for Direct Consumption remains a Threat to Health
Dr Michael Mullan
July 2021
Consideration to the increase in the consumption of raw milk and the threat to health - an exert from a recent book chapter written by Dr M Mullan and Dr G Aprea. The book: Dairy Foods: Processing, Quality, and Analytical Techniques. Edited A.G. Cruz, C.S. Ranadheera, F. Nazzaro, A.Mortazavian. Woodhead ...
Manufacturing Process Transparency using Smart data to bring the Factory Floor to your desktop
Lynn Harte
April 2021

Brighter Light at the End of the World Covid Tunnel
John Sumner
April 2021
This article provides positive news for the worldwide dairy industry, as recently published data indicates global milk production from all species continues to increase and the trend is forecast to continue going forward.
Liverpool Cowkeepers
John Sumner
March 2021
The history of Liverpool Cow keepers
The Story Of Liverpool Cow Keepers
John Sumner
March 2021
Background I first got to know about ‘town milk’ in the late 1960s through working with what was then MAFF’s advisory service. The city of Liverpool fell within my allocated area and part of my duties was to visit the small number of cowkeepers whose premises were in the city. ...
Dr Kirsty Pourshahidi
January 2021
Dr Kirsty Pourshahidi is a Research and Teaching Fellow within the Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) at Ulster University, where she specialises in vitamin D, agri-food nutrition and consumer innovation. Her research spans all areas from farm-to-fork, and here she provides an overview of the importance of ...
Farming is Changing
John Sumner
January 2021
John Sumner has written a very informative report about the new UK Agriculture Bill and how it is placed to reform agricultural policy in the UK following the separation from Europe.
A Rapid, Sensitive and Accurate Diagnostic Test to Aid Control of Johne’s Disease in Dairy Herds
Irene R Grant
January 2021

SDTNI Member Profile
Chloe Farrell
January 2021
A profile of one of our new members from Ballylisk Creamery, Northern Ireland.
SDT Member Profile: Chloe Farrell
Gary Andrews
January 2021
A profile of one of our new members from Ballylisk Creamery
Minimising Chlorate Levels in the Dairy Chain
David Gleeson and Bernadette O'Brien
January 2021

John Sumner
December 2020
The UK is stabilising in antibiotic resistance in cattle, based on a survey by the Veterinary Medicine Directorate .....
A Case For Higher Yields
John Sumner
November 2020
A very thought provoking paper on how the UK dairy industry could provide the key to improving greenhouse gas emissions by the rest of the world employing the practices followed in the UK to increase yield and productivity of our cows.
Lurching Forward to 2021
John Sumner
September 2020
As we move forward to 2021, out of the European Union, what is expected in the dairy industry? Certainly a momentous change
Book Review and UHT Shelf-Life Consideration
Mike Lewis
August 2020
Mike Lewis reviews a recent dairy nutrition book and considers the shelf-life of UHT milk
Paying Peanuts for Protein
Mike Lewis
June 2020
This nutrition-themed report compares the price per gramme of protein from various sources and states the importance of reading ingredient labels, suggesting a credible source of nutritional information is not always provided. The author emphasizes the importance of healthy living and eating throughout our lives and recommends that consideration to ...
Book Review: IDF World Dairy Situation 2019
John Sumner
May 2020
A book review of the 2019 IDF World Dairy Report
Remember Climate Change?
John Sumner
April 2020
The Dairy Industry contribution to Climate Change, referring to a recent report by RABDF.
The Foaming of Milk
Mike Lewis
March 2020
A short report on the variation in the foaming properties of milk when tested at home using a commercial frother and relating to prior research.
British Mastitis conference 2019
John Sumner
February 2019
The 2019 British Mastitis Conference brought together a group of speakers from across the UK, from Belgium, France and as far away as India. In addition to the presentation of a series of papers, the conference included a number of research updates and poster abstracts in a Technology Transfer Session. ...
Healthcare professionals support milk and dairy products
John Sumner
April 2017