

Newsletter April 2015


April 2015

Another Spring Conference has come and gone, but there are still lots of events in the calendar.  In this bulletin we have links to the presentations from the Conference and news of a free event, the annual dinner and other events.  Plus, member, John Sumner, attended the AHDB Annual Outlook ...

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Newsletter April 2018


April 2018

Well, Easter came and went and the weather stayed cold. Perhaps by the time the next newsletter comes out it will be warmer and sunnier. In this newsletter, read about how to nominate someone for the Brian Peacock Award for Dairy Technologist of the Year, the true cost of protein, ...

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Newsletter April 2019


April 2019

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Newsletter April 2020


April 2020

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Newsletter April 2022

M Pusey

April 2022

SDT April 2022 Newsletter

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Newsletter April 21

M Pusey

April 2021

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Newsletter August 2015


August 2015

Another month has come and gone and the Society has been busy again.  In this newsletter we have a report on the Annual Dinner and our student awards, our first Invitational Dairy Lecture given by Dr Kieren Kilcawley of Teagasc, Nantwich International Cheese Awards and some preliminary details of our ...

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Newsletter August 2016


September 2016

We have had a very busy few weeks here with subscription renewals, the annual dinner and Nantwich International Cheese Awards all packed into a short space. However, renewals are on-going and thank you to those of you who were so prompt in sending in your subscriptions. However, there are about ...

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Newsletter August 2018


August 2018

I am delighted to now be fully in post as Executive Director but am very thankful to Liz (& the Council) for agreeing to support me for the forthcoming few months while I learn the ropes. It is a real tonic for me being back associated with the dairy industry ...

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Newsletter August 2019


August 2019

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Newsletter August 2022

M Pusey

August 2022

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Newsletter August 21

M Pusey

August 2021

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Newsletter Autumn 2014


August 2014

The Annual Dinner has come and gone, as has Nantwich and, seemingly, the summer too.  This newsletter has reports of these events and also information about our forthcoming One-day Symposium, Food Safety in the Dairy Industry.  This is to be held at Harper Adams University on November 12th.  We have ...

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Newsletter Autumn 2015


September 2015

The Autumn Symposium is rapidly approaching and we have another excellent programme with five speakers this year.  All of our events are becoming ever more popular so I recommend early booking.  We continue to move these events around the country to make our events more accessible to all, so if ...

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Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2014


September 2014

I hope you have all had a good few weeks and all prepared for the Christmas production if that affects your business. We have been very busy at the Society, as this Newsletter indicates.  We have had the Eden Graduation; Study Tour; we have the Symposium next week and are ...

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Newsletter Christmas 2020


December 2020

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Newsletter December 2014


December 2014

Well where did 2014 go?  In terms of the Society in went like this: Spring Conference Southern Ireland Section workshop New book in the Technical series published Annual Dinner Nantwich show Eden Study tour Autumn Symposium New online publication produced 7 Newsletters 10 contributions to Dairy Industries International 4 issues ...

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Newsletter December 2015


December 2015

Another year ends and 2016 is just around the corner. What has the year been like for us as a Society?  Well, we have had six events, ten newsletters, one new book in the Technical Series, attended Nantwich International Cheese Awards (ICA), launched a new award with the ICA for the ...

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Newsletter December 2017


December 2017

As we approach the finale of the festive period the Society wishes you all a very happy and restful Christmas and a Peaceful and successful 2018. It is going to be another busy year for us and in looking back at 2017 we can see that the Society is in ...

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Newsletter December 2018


December 2018

As the festivities of the season gather momentum and the future of Brexit has us all guessing it is a pleasure to wish you all a very happy and restful Christmas and a peaceful, healthy and successful 2019.

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Newsletter December 2019


December 2019

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Newsletter December 2021

M Pusey

December 2021

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Newsletter December 2023

M Pusey

December 2023

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Newsletter February 2011


February 2011

Welcome to the second electronic Newsletter that replaces the paper version previously sent out with the Journal. 

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Newsletter February 2014


February 2014

I hope you all had a successful and happy festive season and are managing to avoid the floods that we have had for the last two months.  In this bulletin you will find information on our events for 2014, including the Spring Conference on the topic of Innovation in the ...

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Newsletter February 2015


February 2015

Apologies for any confusion during the transfer to the on-line membership database.  If you haven't logged on to the new system you will need your membership number and the password and as the window for generic log-in is now closed, you will need to email me for these. It is ...

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Newsletter February 2016


February 2016

Read on for details of the Spring conference booking, sponsorship opportunities at events and the programme for the Annual Dinner and Aligned with Industry event on 25th July.  Students, read about the closing date for the Dairy Industry Student Award 2016!

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Newsletter February 2017


February 2017

Whilst we have just felt the presence of storm Doris, we are now getting signs of spring in the form of warmth in the sun, snowdrops, daffodils and primroses in the hedgerows. So that means that just around the corner is our Spring Conference in Cork. Many of you have ...

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Newsletter February 2018


February 2018

As you will recall from previous newsletters, I am retiring as Executive Director of the Society later this year and the recruitment process is now in train. See below for details of how to apply for this exciting and important role.

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Newsletter February 2019


February 2019

What a balmy or should I say barmy start to Spring, not that anyone is complaining I am sure! It is incredible that this time last year we were encountering the white stuff while at the time of writing the temperature is reminiscent of summer, long may it remain! This will ...

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Newsletter - February 2020


January 2020

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Newsletter February 2022

M Pusey

February 2022

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Newsletter February 2023

M Pusey

February 2023

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Newsletter Jan/Feb 2024

M Pusey

January 2024

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Newsletter January 2015


January 2015

Well, another January and already it is half way through!  I hope that everyone had a good festive season and this newsletter gives you some detail of two events in the early part of this year.

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Newsletter January 2017


January 2017

Happy New Year to all of our members; I hope it is a successful, peaceful and prosperous one for all. Lots seems to be happening so this is a full newsletter!  

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Newsletter January 2018


January 2018

As usual, the office is busy with plans for our events this year. We have an exciting programme for our Spring Conference and the Annual Dinner plans are well underway. The publications committee have also been busy and in this newsletter you can read about this year's bumper volume of ...

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Newsletter January 2019


January 2019

I think we've reached that time in January when you stop wishing 'Happy New Year' but I hope you have had a good start to 2019 and the year is a successful one for you! In this newsletter you will be updated on our exciting plans for 2019 and some ...

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Newsletter January 2022

M Pusey

January 2022

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Newsletter January 2023

M Pusey

January 2023

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Newsletter January 21

M Pusey

January 2021

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Newsletter January 21 Northern Ireland

Gary Andrews

February 2021

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Newsletter July 2014


July 2014

Where is this year going to?  July already; the Spring Conference has been and gone, memberships have renewed and Nantwich Show and the Annual Dinner is on its way at the end of the month - next week in fact!  In this bulletin we have reports of the Southern Ireland ...

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Newsletter July 2017


July 2017

What a month it has been. I hope that those of you that were due to renew got the automatic reminder and I apologise for the early glitch caused by a "mis-coding" in the system. All sorted now. if you haven't renewed yet, please do so otherwise you are unable ...

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Newsletter July 2018


July 2018

Sadly we have to report the death of our patron, Lord Wade of Chorlton, on 7th June at the age of 85. A copy of his obituary can be viewed further down in this newsletter.  Please note the new address for the Society: Elmete Lodge, 1 Anvil Close, Tibberton, Shropshire ...

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Newsletter July/August 2019


August 2019

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Newsletter July/August 2020


August 2020

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Newsletter June 2016


June 2016

Summer has arrived in the South West of the country and whilst I was listening to reports of the home counties needing their central heating on, we, along with much of the west of the country, were bathed in warm sunshine. How nice for a change!  

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Newsletter June 2018


June 2018

The year is hotting up with May being a glorious month and of course, the hottest event of the year rapidly approaching... the Annual Dinner. If you haven't bought your ticket yet please hurry as the closing date for bookings is 6th July. BOOK HERE using the booking form or ...

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Newsletter June 2019


June 2019

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Newsletter June 2020


June 2020

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Newsletter June 2020


June 2020

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Newsletter June/July 2021

M Pusey

July 2021

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Newsletter June/July 2022

M Pusey

July 2022

The June/July Newsletter covering our Annual Dinner and Summer Symposium and much more!

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Newsletter March 2015


March 2015

What a week; Northern lights, eclipse and very soon the first Spring Conference in Northern Ireland for several years.  It promises to be a great one, so if you still want to go, email an application NOW!  We have 14 trade stands and lots of delegates from both sides of ...

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Newsletter March 2016


March 2016

Spring has sprung here in Cornwall and the Spring Conference is just around the corner. BOOK NOW! I hope to meet many of you at this event on the 14th and 15th April. Reading is a great venue and we are lucky enough to be able to get a peek ...

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Newsletter March 2018


March 2018

I think I use the term Spring in its broadest sense... Don't forget to book for the Spring Conference in April and you can also book for the Annual Dinner and Summer Symposium, using our on-line booking system. This newsletter also gives details of some awards to members so please ...

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Newsletter March 2019


March 2019

Well it's another beautiful sunny day in Shropshire at SDT HQ with the daffodils in full bloom and to add to the yellow décor of Spring the rapeseed flowers are making an early appearance too! Doesn't it just lift your morale hinting that summer is on its way! 

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Newsletter March 2020


March 2020

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Newsletter March 2022

M Pusey

March 2022

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Newsletter March 2023

M Pusey

March 2023

Read about all our forthcoming events and publications to support anyone working in the dairy industry.

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Newsletter March 2024

M Pusey

March 2024

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Newsletter March 21

M Pusey

March 2021

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Newsletter May 2015


May 2015

It has been an odd start to the year, weather-wise, with a mild winter and a cool Spring.  However, foraging is well under way now and the show season is also in full swing.  We shall be at Nantwich International Cheese Show again and it is preceded by our Annual ...

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Newsletter May 2016


May 2016

The weather is improving, Spring is here and we have already held our Spring Conference. The report for this is below. The next event in our year is the Annual Dinner and I shall shortly be sending out notices regarding this. You can book ahead of this if you wish ...

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Newsletter May 2017


May 2017

I hope that the first thing that you have noticed about this month's newsletter is our new logo! We used it at the Spring Conference where it was well received and we are starting to use it widely now. In this newsletter there is a reminder about the Annual Dinner ...

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Newsletter May 2018


May 2018

It has been a busy few months, with the planning of the Spring Conference taking up much of my time but the changes to Data Protection legislation have also soaked up many hours. Members sign up to receiving this newsletter and also agree (or not) to publicising their telephone and ...

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Newsletter May 2019


May 2019

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Newsletter May 2020


May 2020

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Newsletter May 2022

M Pusey

May 2022

SDT May 2022 Newsletter

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Newsletter May 2023

M Pusey

May 2023

The newsletter informs of forthcoming events and topical information on dairy technology.

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Newsletter May 21

M Pusey

May 2021

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Newsletter Nov/Dec 2022

M Pusey

December 2022

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Newsletter November 2016


November 2016

Our AGM and Annual symposium took place on 9th November (see below) and we welcome our new Section Chairman for the South West Section, Alex Duckworth. We hope to have some events in the Section soon. If you are interested in organising an event in your area, let me know ...

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Newsletter November 2018


November 2018

November has been a very busy month with the Autumn Symposium taking place at Wyke Farms Sustainable Energy Centre along with a visit to the Kingshay Agri-EPI Centre, Beard Hill Farm, both of which will be covered in this newsletter. Also, you will be introduced to two exciting new publications, ...

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Newsletter November 2019


November 2019

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Newsletter November 2020


November 2020

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Newsletter November 2021

M Pusey

November 2021

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Newsletter November 2023

M Pusey

November 2023

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Newsletter October 2018


October 2018

With the clocks going back last weekend and the end of the year on the horizon cheer yourself up by attending the forthcoming SDT Autumn Symposium - see details below. The symposium provides an excellent opportunity to meet up with like minded people and develop your knowledge in an enjoyable ...

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Newsletter October 2019


November 2019

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Newsletter October 2020


October 2020

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Newsletter October 2021

M Pusey

October 2021

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Newsletter October 2022

M Pusey

October 2022

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Newsletter September 2017


September 2017

1st July subscriptions are now very overdue and you may well have been receiving email reminders; you can now renew online. If you think you may need to renew, go to the website and log in; if you need to renew it will tell you and if you get into ...

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Newsletter September 2018


September 2018

As the weather has turned somewhat cooler and Autumnal since my last newsletter, I hope that the exciting forthcoming SDT events will succeed in adding warmth and colour to the forthcoming months. In this edition, besides providing information on the events, Dr Mike Lewis has kindly contributed an article relating ...

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Newsletter September 2019


September 2019

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Newsletter September 2020


September 2020

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Newsletter September 2021

M Pusey

September 2021

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Newsletter September 2022

M Pusey

September 2022

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Newsletter September 2024

M Pusey

September 2024

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Newsletter Spring 2017


March 2017

Well, the Spring Conference is nearly here and a massive thanks to everybody for your support. We have approximately 170 delegates attending and that is a record for recent years. I hope to have time to meet many of those of you who are going and you will also get ...

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November October 2016


October 2016

Don't forget to book a place at our forthcoming Food Safety Symposium, where we shall be looking at some of the processes and tools used in food safety. This is on 9th November at the University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire. The last date for booking is 2nd November which ...

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SDT Newletter April 2024

M Pusey

April 2024

News about our current events, activities and information  to support dairy technologists in the workplace.

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SDT Newletter June/July 2024

M Pusey

July 2024

News about our current events, activities and information  to support dairy technologists in the workplace.

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SDT Newletter May 2024

M Pusey

May 2024

News about our current events, activities and information  to support dairy technologists in the workplace.

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SDT Newsletter April 2023

M Pusey

April 2023

Read about our forthcoming events and publications

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SDT Newsletter August 2023

M Pusey

August 2023

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SDT Newsletter June/July 2023

M Pusey

July 2023

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SDT Newsletter October 2023

M Pusey

October 2023

Details of SDT events and articles to support with dairy technology in the workplace.

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SDT Newsletter September 2023

M Pusey

September 2023

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SDT NI Newsletter April 2021

Gary Andrews

April 2021

SDT Northern Ireland section's quarterly newletter for April 2021 full of dairy industry news, research and market data from around the world.

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SDT NI Newsletter - July 2021

Gary Andrews

August 2021

Quarterley Newsletter July - September 2021 for the Northern Ireland Sector

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SDT Publication

A History of the Development & Application of Whey Protein Concentrates

Julian Price

June 2013

Contents About the author Acknowledgments 1. Introduction – setting the historical context 2. Membrane development – 1960s to 1980s Cellulose acetate Polysulfone & polyethersulfone Thin film composite 3. Systems & applications developments – 1970s to 1980s Reverse osmosis Ultrafiltration – 1970 to 1985 in the USA Utrafiltration in Europe – ...

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A History of the SDT 1943-2003 (60 years)

DL Armstrong

August 2023

This book deals with the history of the first 60 years of the  SDT (much of it is extracts from the SDT Journals published continuously since 1947) from its beginning in the dark days of war, its expansion into all regions of the UK and Ireland and the problems which it subsequently ...

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A History of the SDT from 2003-2023, our Oak Anniversary (80 years)

Dr E Whitley

November 2023

This document covers the last 20 years history of the SDT, from 2003-2023, on the occasion of our Oak Anniversary (80 years). The document details the Presidents and events held throughout the past 20 years and follows on from the 60 years Anniversary Book written by David Armstrong in 2003, available here.

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An Evolution of British Cheesemaking

Nigel White

November 2018

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Cheese Cutting

Ian Mc Donald

August 2014

Contents Preface 1. An outline of types of wire cutters Two-handled wire Trough system Slat top cutter Slat cutter with bow cutter combination Scratch rods Foot and arm operated cutters Pneumatic/hydraulic cutters Larger wire-based cutters Box tunnel cutting 2. Some practical methods of altering the spacing of wire cuts from ...

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Handbook of Dairy Technology


October 2018

A Handbook of Dairy Technology is now available to SDT members, it provides a valuable source of information related to all aspects of dairy technlogy - it can be found in the members area of this web site. Below is an extract from the table of contents showing the sections ...

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Ice Cream Technology

Andrew Wilbey

February 2023

A monograph covering the manufacture of ice cream and related products, including equipment, ingredients, recipe development, manufacturing procedures and parameters and quality. A bible for anyone working in or supplying the ice cream industry.

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The Killing of Cheese Mites

Ian Mc Donald

May 2018

Cheese mites are minute arachnids that were originally soil dwellers consuming moulds and yeasts – there was never any soil cheddar! It has been suggested that cheese mites ‘farm’ moulds by carrying spores on their bodies and in their faeces from one location to another. These minute creatures colonise the ...

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SDT Technical Series

Dairy Powders and Concentrated Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

June 2009

The economic importance of dairy powders and concentrated products to dairy-producing countries is very significant, and there is a large demand for them in countries where milk production is low or non-existent. In these markets, dairy products are made locally to meet the demand of consumers from recombined powders, anhydrous ...

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Fermented Milks

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

July 2006

Highly profitable and an important range of products within the dairy industry worldwide, the economic importance of fermented milks continues to grow. Technological developments have led to a wider range of products and increased popularity with consumers. In the second book to feature in the SDT series Fermented Milks reviews ...

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Brined Cheeses

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

September 2006

Preface to Technical Series. Preface. Contributors. Chapter 1. Constituents and Properties of Milk from Different Species. Dr Thom Huppertz, Dr Vivek K. Upadhyay and Dr A.L. Kelly, University College Cork, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Cork, Ireland; and. Dr A.Y. Tamime, Dairy Science & Technology Consultant, Ayr, UK. Chapter ...

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Milk Processing and Quality Management

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

January 2009

The Society of Dairy Technology (SDT) has joined with Wiley-Blackwell to produce a series of technical dairy-related handbooks providing an invaluable resource for all those involved in the dairy industry; from practitioners to technologists working in both traditional and modern large-scale dairy operations. The fifth volume in the series, Milk ...

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Milk and Dairy Products as Functional Foods

Ara Kanekanian,Kanekanian, Ara,None,Ara,Kanekanian

May 2014

There continues to be strong interest within the food industry in developing new products which offer functional health benefits to the consumer. The premium prices that can be charged make these added-value products lucrative for manufacturers, and they are also commercially popular. Dairy foods are central to this sector: they ...

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Probiotic Dairy Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

January 2006

Preface to Technical Series. Preface. Contributors. Chapter 1. Microbiota of the Human Gut. Chapter 2. Genomic Characterisation of Starter Cultures. Chapter 3. Production and Maintaining Viability of Probiotic Micro-organisms. Chapter 4. Current Legislation of Probiotic Products. Chapter 5. Enumeration and Identification of Mixed Probiotic and Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Cultures. ...

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Structure of Dairy Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

May 2007

Structure of Dairy Products SOCIETY OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY SERIES Edited by A. Y. Tamime The Society of Dairy Technology (SDT) has joined with Blackwell Publishing to produce a series of technical dairy-related handbooks providing an invaluable resource for all those involved in the dairy industry; from practitioners to technologists working ...

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Technology of Cheesemaking

Barry A. Law,Law, Barry A.,None,Barry A.,Law

July 2010

Now in a fully-revised new edition, this book covers the science and technology underlying cheesemaking, as practised today in the manufacture of hard, semi-soft and soft cheeses. Emphasis is placed on the technology, and the science and technology are integrated throughout. Authors also cover research developments likely to have a ...

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Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

May 2008

This is the third edition of the Society of Dairy Technology's highly successful volume on Cleaning-in-Place (CIP). Already a well-established practice in dairy technology, CIP has become increasingly relevant in the processed food industry during the last 10-15 years, and the beverage industry has seen increased demands from customers regarding ...

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Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

February 2017

Food-borne diseases, including those via dairy products, have been recognised as major threats to human health. The causes associated with dairy food-borne disease are the use of raw milk in the manufacture of dairy products, faulty processing conditions during the heat treatment of milk, post-processing contamination, failure in due diligence ...

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Dairy Fats and Related Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

June 2009

Whilst milk fat has always been appreciated for its flavour, the market had suffered from concerns over cardiovascular diseases associated with the consumption of animal fats. However, recent clinical studies have indicated benefits, particularly in relation to conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), in the prevention of certain diseases. The range of ...

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Membrane Processing

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

February 2013

In the last two decades, there have been significant developments in membrane filtration processes for the dairy and beverage industries. The filtration systems can be classified into four main groups: reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration. The primary objective of this book is to assess critically the pool of scientific ...

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Processed Cheese and Analogues

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

July 2011

Part of the Society of Dairy Technology Series, this book deals with a commercially significant sector of dairy science. The book includes chapters on legislation, functionality of ingredients, processing plants and equipment, manufacturing best practice, packaging, and quality control. The chapters are authored by an international team of experts. This ...

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Probiotic Dairy Products

Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime

February 2018

Probiotic Dairy Products, 2nd Edition The updated guide to the most current research and developments in probiotic dairy products The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Probiotic Dairy Products reviews the recent advancements in the dairy industry and includes the latest scientific developments in regard to the 'functional' aspects ...

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Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Koon Hoong Teh,Teh, Koon Hoong,None,Koon Hoong,Teh

August 2015

In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from the effects of microbial enzymes produced during transportation of raw milk to the mechanisms of biofilm formation by thermophilic spore-forming bacteria. The dairy industry now has a better understanding of biofilms and of ...

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Short Essays and Reports

1970 SDT Study Tour to the Netherlands

M Pusey

November 2022

A full report on the 1970 SDT Study Tour to The Netherlands, click HERE    

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A Case For Higher Yields

John Sumner

November 2020

A very thought provoking paper on how the UK dairy industry could provide the key to improving greenhouse gas emissions by the rest of the world employing the practices followed in the UK to increase yield and productivity of our cows.

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A Rapid, Sensitive and Accurate Diagnostic Test to Aid Control of Johne’s Disease in Dairy Herds

Irene R Grant

January 2021

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John Sumner

December 2020

 The UK is stabilising in antibiotic resistance in cattle, based on a survey by the Veterinary Medicine Directorate .....

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Book Review and UHT Shelf-Life Consideration

Mike Lewis

August 2020

Mike Lewis reviews a recent dairy nutrition book and considers the shelf-life of UHT milk

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Book Review: IDF World Dairy Situation 2019

John Sumner

May 2020

A book review of the 2019 IDF World Dairy Report

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Brighter Light at the End of the World Covid Tunnel

John Sumner

April 2021

This article provides positive news for the worldwide dairy industry, as recently published data indicates global milk production from all species continues to increase and the trend is forecast to continue going forward.

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British Mastitis conference 2019

John Sumner

February 2019

The 2019 British Mastitis Conference brought together a group of speakers from across the UK, from Belgium, France and as far away as India. In addition to the presentation of a series of papers, the conference included a number of research updates and poster abstracts in a Technology Transfer Session. ...

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Energy and Water Considerations

Dr Mike Lewis

July 2022

Conservation of water and energy are two very important environmental issues. Dairy processing operations are energy and water intensive, so it is important to minimise the amounts used. There are also big differences in amounts used by different factories, producing similar products, providing opportunities for some to make big improvements. ...

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Energy prices, Milk prices and more

Mike Lewis

February 2023

Some food for thought on the problematic energy costs, current milk prices, the value of milk protein, and highlights some old but still very relevant dairy technology books.

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Farming is Changing

John Sumner

January 2021

John Sumner has written a very informative report about the new UK Agriculture Bill and how it is placed to reform agricultural policy in the UK following the separation from Europe.

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Healthcare professionals support milk and dairy products

John Sumner

April 2017

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IDF World Dairy Summit

John Sumner

February 2019

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IFST 2023 Lecture

Nick Edwards

October 2023

The lecture held at One Birdcage Walk was entitled ‘Surviving in a Hostile World: The Need for Food Science’ . The speakers included Professor Jeremy Hill, MNZM, Professor of Sustainable Nutrition, Riddet Institute, Massey University and Chief Science & Technology Officer, Fonterra Co-operative Group and also Dr Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor, Food ...

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Liverpool Cowkeepers

John Sumner

March 2021

The history of Liverpool Cow keepers

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Lurching Forward to 2021

John Sumner

September 2020

As we move forward to 2021, out of the European Union, what is expected in the dairy industry? Certainly a momentous change

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Manufacturing Process Transparency using Smart data to bring the Factory Floor to your desktop

Lynn Harte

April 2021

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Minimising Chlorate Levels in the Dairy Chain

David Gleeson and Bernadette O'Brien

January 2021

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Nordic Dairy Congress, Malmo 2022

Dr Liz Whitley

May 2022

An article covering the 45th Nordic Dairy Congress, May 2022

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Our love affair with milk: consideration to our diet and the environment

Dr Mike Lewis

May 2024

Mike Lewis considers why milk is a valuable foodstuff in UK diets, examining processing, applications and the impact on the environment.

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Paying Peanuts for Protein

Mike Lewis

June 2020

This nutrition-themed report compares the price per gramme of protein from various sources and states the importance of reading ingredient labels, suggesting a credible source of nutritional information is not always provided. The author emphasizes the importance of healthy living and eating throughout our lives and recommends that consideration to ...

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Remember Climate Change?

John Sumner

April 2020

The Dairy Industry contribution to Climate Change, referring to a recent report by RABDF.

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Review of Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products

Dr Stephen Walker

August 2023

A review of the latest book in the SDT Technical Series, Sensory profiling of Dairy Products

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Sale of Raw Milk for Direct Consumption remains a Threat to Health

Dr Michael Mullan

July 2021

Consideration to the increase in the consumption of raw milk and the threat to health - an exert from a recent book chapter written by Dr M Mullan and Dr G Aprea. The book:  Dairy Foods: Processing, Quality, and Analytical Techniques. Edited A.G. Cruz, C.S. Ranadheera, F. Nazzaro,  A.Mortazavian. Woodhead ...

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SDT Member Profile: Chloe Farrell

Gary Andrews

January 2021

A profile of one of our new members from Ballylisk Creamery

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SDTNI Member Profile

Chloe Farrell

January 2021

A profile of one of our new members from Ballylisk Creamery, Northern Ireland.

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SDT Oak Anniversary

Dr Liz Whitley

August 2023

In 2023 the SDT reached its 80th Anniversary (Oak). Liz Whitley has summarised the SDT developments in the past 20 years, following on from a publication written by Dr David Armstrong in 2003, which provided the history of the first 60 years of the Society with details of Presidents and ...

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SDT Spring Conference 2023

Dr Michael Mullan

April 2023

Read an account of the SDT Spring Conference held in Penrith Cumbria on 29-30th March 2023 with a title of 'Heat Processing and Energy Efficiency in Dairy Product Manufacture'. The following appers were presented: Paper 1: Heat stability of milk-based products (Dr Mike Lewis, University of Reading) Paper 2: Standard ...

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Summary of 75:2

Andrew Wilbey

April 2022

A summary of the papers published in the International Journal of Dairy Technology 75:2

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Tackling Antibiotic Resistance

John Sumner

November 2018

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The Foaming of Milk

Mike Lewis

March 2020

A short report on the variation in the foaming properties of milk when tested at home using a commercial frother and relating to prior research.

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The Story Of Liverpool Cow Keepers

John Sumner

March 2021

Background I first got to know about ‘town milk’ in the late 1960s through working with what was then MAFF’s advisory service. The city of Liverpool fell within my allocated area and part of my duties was to visit the small number of cowkeepers whose premises were in the city. ...

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Dr Kirsty Pourshahidi

January 2021

Dr Kirsty Pourshahidi is a Research and Teaching Fellow within the Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) at Ulster University, where she specialises in vitamin D, agri-food nutrition and consumer innovation. Her research spans all areas from farm-to-fork, and here she provides an overview of the importance of ...

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Where have all the Dairy Farmers gone?

John Sumner

July 2021

A very concerning article by John Sumner on how Dairy Farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit staff with some potentially being forced to quit.

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Annual Reports

Annual Report 22-23

M Pusey

October 2023

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SDT Annual Report 2012-13


December 2013

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SDT Annual Report 2014-15


December 2015

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SDT Annual Report 2015-16


December 2016

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SDT Annual Report 2016-17


December 2017

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SDT Annual Report 2017-18


December 2018

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SDT Annual Report 2018-19


December 2019

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SDT Annual Report 2019-20


November 2020

The SDT Annual Report for 2019/20

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SDT Annual Report 2020-21


October 2021


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Dairy Industries International

D11 September 2024

Andrew Wilbey

August 2024

Summary of the papers published in IJDT 77:3

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DII April 2020

Andrew Wilbey

April 2020

An Eye on Enzymes The first issue of volume 73 of the International Journal of Dairy Technology starts with a review of bacteriophages in the dairy industry to both detect and control pathogens.

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DII April 2022

Andrew Wilbey

March 2022

A summary of the papers in the International Journal of Dairy Technology 75:1

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DII August 2018


August 2018

The Cheese World View Seasonal and other sources of variations in milk composition are major complications in the production of consistent dairy products.

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DII August 2022

John Tuohy

August 2022

An article about the recent SDT Summer Symposium and Annual Dinner published in Dairy Industries International in August 2022

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DII August 2024

Suzanne Christiansen

August 2024

Report of the SDT Summer Symposium and Annual Dinner 2024

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DII December 2017


December 2017

Changing Times and Cheese Samples of four mild and four mature cheddar brands were purchased on each of six consecutive months and subjected to compositional analysis plus fracture testing.

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DII December 2020

Suzanne Christiansen

December 2020

The SDT AGM 2020, held by Microsoft Teams

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DII December 2022

Andrew Wilbey

December 2022

A summary of the papers published  in International Journal of Dairy Technology 75:4 

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DII December 2023

Andrew Wilbey

December 2023

A summary of the papers printed in the 76:4 edition of our Journal, International Journal of Dairy Technology

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DII February 2017


February 2017

Current Tactics in Food Safety  The Society of Dairy Technology held a wide-ranging and very informative meeting at the University of Nottingham in the UK on current tactics in food safety for the dairy industry.

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DII January 2018


January 2018

Preventing Contamination The UK's Society of Dairy Technology held its annual general meeting and autumn symposium on the topic of preventing contamination at Harper Adams University.

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DII January 2019


January 2019

Evidence of Bacteria Issue 4 completes this years bumper Interational Journal of Dairy Technology, with 21 reports of original research plus a review of the prevalence and survival of Listeria monocytogenes in various types of cheese.

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DII January 2020

Andrew Wilbey

January 2020

Optimising your process The Society of Dairy Technology held its Autumn symposium on process optimisation at Aberystwyth University in the UK.

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DII January 2020

Andrew Wilbey

January 2020

An Eye on Enzymes  Issue 4 of volume 72 of the International Journal of Dairy Technology contains 18 reports of original research and a review of the impact of non-thermal processing on milk enzymes.

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DII January 2021

Andrew Wilbey

February 2021

Andrew Wilbey summarises the content of the 73:4 International Journal of Dairy Technology, the last issue before the Journal moves to online copy only. 

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DII January 2021

Andrew Wilbey

February 2021

A report on the content of the 73:4 International Journal of Dairy Technology

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DII January 2024

Suzanne Christiansen

January 2024

A reviw of the SDT 80th Anniversary Conference at UCC on Digitalisation of Processing in the Dairy Industry

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DII July 2018


July 2018

Eye on Innovation Our Cow Molly, a producer and processor specialising in cow to customer in 12 hours and Arla Food Stourton Dairy were both visitor highlights at the recent SDT annnual spring conference on the first day. 

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DII July 2019

Andrew Wilbey

July 2019

Time for Buttermilk Buttermilk is  getting a longer look in 2019's second issue of the International Journal of Diary Technology

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DII July 2020

Chris Edwards

July 2020

An interview with Chris Edwards, incoming President of the Society of Dairy Technology

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DII July 2020

Andrew Wilbey

July 2020

Despite COVID-19 the Society of Dairy Technology was able to publish the second issue of its International Journal od Dairy Technology. Andrew Wilbey reports..

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DII July 2020

Andrew Wilbey

July 2020

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DII July 2022

Andrew Wilbey

July 2022

A summary of the papers appearing in the International Journal of Dairy Technology, edition 75:2

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DII June 2017

Andrew Wilbey

June 2017

The Natural Antioxidants  Issue 2 of Volume 70 of the International Journal of Dairy Technology looked at milk fat adulterants and kefir.

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DII June 2019

Andrew Wilbey

June 2019

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DII June 2022

J Tuohy

May 2022

Article in DII on the Spring Conference 2022 at Loughry Campus, CAFRE, N Ireland.

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DII June 2023

Dr Michael Mullan

June 2023

A report on the SDT Spring Conference 2023

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DII June 2023

Dr Michael Mullan

May 2023

An article in Dairy Industries International detailing our Spring Conference 2023

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DII March 2017

Andrew Wilbey

March 2017

70 Years of Progress A review of the first issue of Volume 70, the International Journal of Dairy Technology.

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DII March 2018


March 2018

The Whole Dairy Spectrum The first issue of this years International Journal of Dairy Technology (Volume 71) is a bumper issue, including 31 original research reports, plus a review of immunomodulations by hydrolysates and peptides derived from milk proteins.

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DII March 2019

Andrew Wilbey

March 2019

The Winds of Change  The first issue of the International Journal of Dairy Technology this year (72) coincides with a change in the editorship, from Dr Linda Thomas to Dr Michael Mullan.

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DII March 2023

Andrew Wilbey

March 2023

A summary of the papers in the 76:1 edition of the International Journal of Dairy Technology.

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DII March 2024

Andrew Wilbey

March 2024

A  summary of the papers published in the International Journal of Dairy Technology 77:1

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DII March 21

Andrew Wilbey

March 2021

Review of the content of the 74:1 International Journal of Dairy Technology

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DII May 2019

Julian Mellentin

May 2019

Seeing the Trends New products that can seed future business are the key to success.

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DII May 2019

Ralph Early

May 2019

Product, Processing and Packaging Innovations The Society of Dairy Technology's Spring Conference, 9 and 10 May 2019 offered everything from clotting ratios to sustainable pakcaging.

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DII May 2024

Suzanne Christiansen

April 2024

A report of the Yogurt & Fermented Creams-themed Spring Conference that appeared in the May edition of Dairy industries International.

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DII November 2018


November 2018

Finessing Fermentation  Many claims have been made for the antioxidant, antiproliferative and anti-anflammatory properties of polyphenosis. 

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DII Oct 20

Andrew Wilbey

October 2020

Cheese and yogurts were focus on the third issue of the International Journal of Dairy Technology, Andrew Wilbey reports

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DII October 2017

Andrew Wilbey

October 2017

Cheese Industry Challenges  The Society of Dairy Technology tackled diverse issues affecting cheese in its symposium in Nantwich, UK. 

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DII October 2018

Andrew Wilbey

October 2018

Focus on Fermentation A special issue of the International Journal of Dairy Technology 71 (S1) concentrated on fermented dairy products. 

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DII October 2019

Andrew Wilbey

October 2019

Following the MAP The third issue of 2019's International Journal of Dairy Technology contains a thought-provoking review of why viable cells of MAP are reported in pasturised milk.

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DII September 2018


September 2018

Keeping a Dairy Clean The Society of Dairy Technology held its cheese meeting and annual dinner at Nantwich on the eve of the Internation Cheese Show in the UK. 

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DII September 2018


September 2018

Keeping a Dairy Clean The Society of Dairy Technology held its cheese meeting and annual dinner at Nantwich on the eve of the Internation Cheese Show in the UK. 

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DII September 2019

Ralph Early

September 2019

The History of Cheese The UK Society of Dairy Technology's Summer Symposium was held before the ICA in Nantwich. 

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DII September 2023

Andrew Wilbey

September 2023

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SDT Summer Events 2023

Suzanne Christiansen

August 2023

An account of the SDT Summer Symposium and Annual Dinner 2023 that was featured in Dairy Industries International

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