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SDT Technical Series

Dairy Powders and Concentrated Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
June 2009
The economic importance of dairy powders and concentrated products to dairy-producing countries is very significant, and there is a large demand for them in countries where milk production is low or non-existent. In these markets, dairy products are made locally to meet the demand of consumers from recombined powders, anhydrous ...
Fermented Milks
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
July 2006
Highly profitable and an important range of products within the dairy industry worldwide, the economic importance of fermented milks continues to grow. Technological developments have led to a wider range of products and increased popularity with consumers. In the second book to feature in the SDT series Fermented Milks reviews ...
Brined Cheeses
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
September 2006
Preface to Technical Series. Preface. Contributors. Chapter 1. Constituents and Properties of Milk from Different Species. Dr Thom Huppertz, Dr Vivek K. Upadhyay and Dr A.L. Kelly, University College Cork, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Cork, Ireland; and. Dr A.Y. Tamime, Dairy Science & Technology Consultant, Ayr, UK. Chapter ...
Milk Processing and Quality Management
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
January 2009
The Society of Dairy Technology (SDT) has joined with Wiley-Blackwell to produce a series of technical dairy-related handbooks providing an invaluable resource for all those involved in the dairy industry; from practitioners to technologists working in both traditional and modern large-scale dairy operations. The fifth volume in the series, Milk ...
Milk and Dairy Products as Functional Foods
Ara Kanekanian,Kanekanian, Ara,None,Ara,Kanekanian
May 2014
There continues to be strong interest within the food industry in developing new products which offer functional health benefits to the consumer. The premium prices that can be charged make these added-value products lucrative for manufacturers, and they are also commercially popular. Dairy foods are central to this sector: they ...
Probiotic Dairy Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
January 2006
Preface to Technical Series. Preface. Contributors. Chapter 1. Microbiota of the Human Gut. Chapter 2. Genomic Characterisation of Starter Cultures. Chapter 3. Production and Maintaining Viability of Probiotic Micro-organisms. Chapter 4. Current Legislation of Probiotic Products. Chapter 5. Enumeration and Identification of Mixed Probiotic and Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Cultures. ...
Structure of Dairy Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
May 2007
Structure of Dairy Products SOCIETY OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY SERIES Edited by A. Y. Tamime The Society of Dairy Technology (SDT) has joined with Blackwell Publishing to produce a series of technical dairy-related handbooks providing an invaluable resource for all those involved in the dairy industry; from practitioners to technologists working ...
Technology of Cheesemaking
Barry A. Law,Law, Barry A.,None,Barry A.,Law
July 2010
Now in a fully-revised new edition, this book covers the science and technology underlying cheesemaking, as practised today in the manufacture of hard, semi-soft and soft cheeses. Emphasis is placed on the technology, and the science and technology are integrated throughout. Authors also cover research developments likely to have a ...
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
May 2008
This is the third edition of the Society of Dairy Technology's highly successful volume on Cleaning-in-Place (CIP). Already a well-established practice in dairy technology, CIP has become increasingly relevant in the processed food industry during the last 10-15 years, and the beverage industry has seen increased demands from customers regarding ...
Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
February 2017
Food-borne diseases, including those via dairy products, have been recognised as major threats to human health. The causes associated with dairy food-borne disease are the use of raw milk in the manufacture of dairy products, faulty processing conditions during the heat treatment of milk, post-processing contamination, failure in due diligence ...
Dairy Fats and Related Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
June 2009
Whilst milk fat has always been appreciated for its flavour, the market had suffered from concerns over cardiovascular diseases associated with the consumption of animal fats. However, recent clinical studies have indicated benefits, particularly in relation to conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), in the prevention of certain diseases. The range of ...
Membrane Processing
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
February 2013
In the last two decades, there have been significant developments in membrane filtration processes for the dairy and beverage industries. The filtration systems can be classified into four main groups: reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration. The primary objective of this book is to assess critically the pool of scientific ...
Processed Cheese and Analogues
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
July 2011
Part of the Society of Dairy Technology Series, this book deals with a commercially significant sector of dairy science. The book includes chapters on legislation, functionality of ingredients, processing plants and equipment, manufacturing best practice, packaging, and quality control. The chapters are authored by an international team of experts. This ...
Probiotic Dairy Products
Adnan Y. Tamime,Tamime, Adnan Y.,None,Adnan Y.,Tamime
February 2018
Probiotic Dairy Products, 2nd Edition The updated guide to the most current research and developments in probiotic dairy products The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Probiotic Dairy Products reviews the recent advancements in the dairy industry and includes the latest scientific developments in regard to the 'functional' aspects ...
Biofilms in the Dairy Industry
Koon Hoong Teh,Teh, Koon Hoong,None,Koon Hoong,Teh
August 2015
In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from the effects of microbial enzymes produced during transportation of raw milk to the mechanisms of biofilm formation by thermophilic spore-forming bacteria. The dairy industry now has a better understanding of biofilms and of ...